Robotic Treatment Center
Robots are used in every branch in our hospital, which is equipped with the latest technological devices. Robots are used in all medical diagnosis, treatment and controls, including all surgical operations, oncology treatments, radiation treatments, spine and nerve surgery, organ transplants, aesthetics and hair transplantation.

1. Robotic Surgery Center
In all surgeries, neurosurgery, head and neck surgery, eye, ear, nose and throat surgery, gynecology surgery, transplantations and robotic surgery are also performed in all surgical interventions. Thus, the complications of the patient are less, the incision wound is opened 3-5 cm as much as a smaller pen tip. Wound healing is faster and the risk of infection is reduced. More importantly, as the recovery time is shortened, the length of stay in the hospital is also shortened. Thus, the patient returns to his normal life faster. Although he stays away from his family for a shorter time, he regains his quality of life faster.

2. Robotic Prosthetic Surgery
Prostheses, which are like our own organs in our lives, have now taken their place in our normal lives. Prostheses have started to be made in technology that will use them like our normal organs. These prostheses are implanted more easily by means of robots and their adaptation to the body is ensured. Walking and balance robots are one of them. With this robot, prostheses that are worn on the foot, arm, and hand enable the body to accept and control the brain faster with the messages sent to the brain. Our quality of life continues with the prosthesis like our own sickle.

3. Robotic Rehabilitation Center
Robotic rehabilitation teaches the brain to function of the organ that the brain forgot. It teaches the patient who can't walk, to use his arm, to the brain that forgets his arm, and to the organ that has lost its muscle strength. Rehabilitation with intensive robotic devices increases the success rate after surgery and increases the effectiveness of the treatment at the highest level. Walking robots, balance robots, neurological rehabilitation robots, brain activity enhancing robots are a few of them. All these robots are used in treatment in our hospital.